
More than 20 years of experience and a 360 degree vision of a digital project. Ex-developer, ex-project manager and ex-journalist, I'm back in development since 4 years.

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JavascriptReact NativeReactVueReduxTypescriptVuexSymfonyReact Testing LibraryTailwindStorybookAnt Design

Front-End Engineer Inforca

I worked on the Grantrofeo application (regularity racing competition). I refactored the whole application (React Native): - based on Redux Toolkit and its middlewares (AsyncThunk RTK Query), I have completely rebuilt the management of the stores and API calls, - optimization, simplification and refactoring of the legacy code : rewriting of class components in functional components, addition of custom hooks, project structure... - implementation of a component library, - implementation of unit tests.

ReactReact NativeTailwindReduxTypescriptSymfony

Front-end developer Alltricks

I worked on both the frontend of the ecommerce website Alltricks and on its backoffice. The developments were done on Next/Typescript: - implementation of new modules: photo gallery, connection tunnel. - rewriting of the stores with Redux Toolkit (data normalization). - development of a component library, - unit testing.

ReactTypescriptReduxAnt DesignReact Testing Library

Front-end developer Oparedo

Development of a BtoB application with VueJS : - UX/UI design (Figma), - creation of a custom component library (Tailwind, Storybook), - implementation of a store managing complex tasks (billing, contract generation, contact management)


Front-end developer MarseilleTourisme

I worked on the redesign of a BToC tourism website: - refresh (CSS, javascript), - UX/UI, - development of cartographic modules (JS / VueJS).


Journalist La Provence

I was in charge of developing new journalistic content on digital: - infographics, - data journalism - video production

Head of project La Provence

In charge of digital projects at La Provence: web, mobile, applications, social networks.

Front-End Web Designer La Provence

I worked on the front and back end of the regional daily press media: La Provence. Development of a design system, integration, php dev.

Designer, CSS/HTML Developer Freelance, various companies